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GameDev Masterclass

Discover the most ambitious educational career program that supports you to become a video game developer. 12 seats! 8 months! 3 portfolio projects!

Only 12 places available

Only 12 places available

On-site in Bucharest

4000 Euro

Min 17 years + Interview

Min 17 years + Interview

Video Game Designers

Detalii orar

  • Cursurile cu prezență fizică au loc în zilele de vineri, între 12:00 - 15:00
  • Acestea se desfășoară la sediul GameDev Academy
  • Sesiunile online sunt organizate pe platforma "Discord" în funcție de nevoi specifice și disponibilitatea fiecarui participant

Detalii examene

  • Sesiunea de iarnă are loc în luna Februarie
  • Sesiunea de vară are loc in Iunie
  • Fiecare sesiune cuprinde:
    • Examen oral - prezentare proiect
    • Examen scris - test grilă
    • Probă practică - proiect de portofoliu
  • Învață conceptele de bază ale dezvoltării jocurilor video, de la design la implementare.

  • Descoperă tehnici esențiale pentru crearea unei experiențe de joc captivante.

  • Acumulează cunoștințe practice care te vor ajuta să dezvolți jocuri eficiente și de calitate.

Fundamentals of GameDev

  • Explorează tehnici pentru generarea și dezvoltarea ideilor de jocuri.

  • Învață cum să transformi concepte abstracte în mecanici de joc viabile.

  • Descoperă metode pentru evaluarea și rafinarea ideilor creative.

Concepts & Ideations

  • Învață să creezi prototipuri rapide pentru a testa idei de jocuri.

  • Explorează tehnici de iterare și îmbunătățire a prototipurilor.

  • Dobândește abilități practice pentru a transforma prototipurile în jocuri complete.

Prototipare si Development

  • Învață să planifici și să gestionezi eficient etapele de dezvoltare a jocurilor.

  • Descoperă tehnici de alocare a resurselor și gestionare a echipei.

  • Învață să identifici și să minimizezi riscurile pentru a asigura livrarea la timp a proiectului.

Project Management

  • Gestionarea timpului este crucială, având în vedere multe jocuri neterminate sau întârziate.

  • Cauza principală este gestionarea incorectă a timpului de dezvoltare.

  • Mentorii îți vor oferi tips&tricks și bune practici pentru a minimiza aceste riscuri.

Gestionarea timpului

  • Dezvoltarea unui joc video este una dintre cele mai interactive experiențe.

  • Vei interacționa cu alți dezvoltatori, fie că lucrezi singur sau într-o echipă.

  • Vei învăța să gestionezi crize, întârzieri, conflicte și evaluarea performanței.

Metode de comunicare

What will you learn?

Video Game Designers

Programa Masterclass

  • This program is aimed at people over 17 years old, who want to build a career in game dev, to increase their chances of employment or those in the first years of their career who want to accelerate their development and career promotion. The Masterclass program does not replace, but supplements your school or university activity.

  • The registration process consists of filling out the form on the page dedicated to the Masterclass programme. Due to the limited number of places, the letter of intent is very important. We expect you to mention in detail why you want to participate in this program.

  • If you meet the mentioned criteria (17+ years and detailed letter of intent) you will be contacted by phone or email to set up an interview with one of the trainers/mentors involved in the program. After this interview, you will receive an email in which we will confirm or deny your participation in the Masterclass program.

  • In the confirmation email of participation in the Masterclass program, you will receive the link to the payment page.  Payment can be made by bank transfer based on the fiscal invoice issued by GameDev Academy. You can also opt for payment in installments.

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  • The program takes place during an academic calendar year. This involves physical presence on the days when the course sessions take place, but also online interactions with colleagues and teachers, whenever necessary, on our Discord channel. The curriculum is composed of theoretical and practical modules that will be taught during 2 semesters, as well as 2 exam sessions. The modules are built to provide the necessary knowledge to develop a video game, and the final exam will be represented by the year's project consisting of making a video game demo. Additionally, there will be different projects and optional activities, such as visits to studios in Bucharest, discussion sessions with guests from abroad, game jams, etc.

  • Of course! We have a positive track record regarding students who got hired shortly after completing the courses they attended. However, we cannot offer guarantees! We are in discussions with the main studios in Romania to offer internship programs or employment support. We also make an effort to help you through consulting in creating your CV and portfolio.

    We can't repeat it enough times! It is very important to develop a portfolio, to practice in your free time, to be proactive in class, to ask questions every time you feel that something is not clear to you. And we insist on "practicing in your spare time".

  • Yes, you will receive a participation diploma issued by us that attests your involvement throughout the duration of the program. In addition to the diploma, you will also receive the result obtained in the final exam, as well as the qualification from us. Keep in mind that you will not receive the participation diploma or the qualification from us if you accumulate more than 5 absences in any semester.

    We mention that diplomas certified by the Romanian state cannot be issued, because the vast majority of jobs specific to the game development industry are not officially recognized in Romania.

Schedule an interview

We know how stressful the interview process for admission to a program can be, but we want you to have the most pleasant and comfortable discussion with us. This interview is important because it helps us evaluate whether the program suits you or not. We are aware of the time effort and the financial investment it entails and we want you to benefit fully from its experience. It is also useful for us, using the information in the internal process of building the class and adding a variety of students who can continue our mission, goals and enrich the community we are building. As we said initially, we invite you to a pleasant and comfortable dialogue to get to know each other.

Multumim. Te vom contacta curand!

Frequent questions

  • This program is aimed at people over 17 years old, who want to build a career in game dev, to increase their chances of employment or those in the first years of their career who want to accelerate their development and career promotion. The Masterclass program does not replace, but supplements your school or university activity.

  • The registration process consists of filling out the form on the page dedicated to the Masterclass programme. Due to the limited number of places, the letter of intent is very important. We expect you to mention in detail why you want to participate in this program.

  • If you meet the mentioned criteria (17+ years and detailed letter of intent) you will be contacted by phone or email to set up an interview with one of the trainers/mentors involved in the program. After this interview, you will receive an email in which we will confirm or deny your participation in the Masterclass program.

  • In the confirmation email of participation in the Masterclass program, you will receive the link to the payment page.  Payment can be made by bank transfer based on the fiscal invoice issued by GameDev Academy. You can also opt for payment in installments.

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  • The program takes place during an academic calendar year. This involves physical presence on the days when the course sessions take place, but also online interactions with colleagues and teachers, whenever necessary, on our Discord channel. The curriculum is composed of theoretical and practical modules that will be taught during 2 semesters, as well as 2 exam sessions. The modules are built to provide the necessary knowledge to develop a video game, and the final exam will be represented by the year's project consisting of making a video game demo. Additionally, there will be different projects and optional activities, such as visits to studios in Bucharest, discussion sessions with guests from abroad, game jams, etc.

  • Of course! We have a positive track record regarding students who got hired shortly after completing the courses they attended. However, we cannot offer guarantees! We are in discussions with the main studios in Romania to offer internship programs or employment support. We also make an effort to help you through consulting in creating your CV and portfolio.

    We can't repeat it enough times! It is very important to develop a portfolio, to practice in your free time, to be proactive in class, to ask questions every time you feel that something is not clear to you. And we insist on "practicing in your spare time".

  • Yes, you will receive a participation diploma issued by us that attests your involvement throughout the duration of the program. In addition to the diploma, you will also receive the result obtained in the final exam, as well as the qualification from us. Keep in mind that you will not receive the participation diploma or the qualification from us if you accumulate more than 5 absences in any semester.

    We mention that diplomas certified by the Romanian state cannot be issued, because the vast majority of jobs specific to the game development industry are not officially recognized in Romania.

Frequent questions

  • This program is aimed at people over 17 years old, who want to build a career in game dev, to increase their chances of employment or those in the first years of their career who want to accelerate their development and career promotion. The Masterclass program does not replace, but supplements your school or university activity.

  • The registration process consists of filling out the form on the page dedicated to the Masterclass programme. Due to the limited number of places, the letter of intent is very important. We expect you to mention in detail why you want to participate in this program.

  • If you meet the mentioned criteria (17+ years and detailed letter of intent) you will be contacted by phone or email to set up an interview with one of the trainers/mentors involved in the program. After this interview, you will receive an email in which we will confirm or deny your participation in the Masterclass program.

  • In the confirmation email of participation in the Masterclass program, you will receive the link to the payment page.  Payment can be made by bank transfer based on the fiscal invoice issued by GameDev Academy. You can also opt for payment in installments.

  • Error: empty slot
  • The program takes place during an academic calendar year. This involves physical presence on the days when the course sessions take place, but also online interactions with colleagues and teachers, whenever necessary, on our Discord channel. The curriculum is composed of theoretical and practical modules that will be taught during 2 semesters, as well as 2 exam sessions. The modules are built to provide the necessary knowledge to develop a video game, and the final exam will be represented by the year's project consisting of making a video game demo. Additionally, there will be different projects and optional activities, such as visits to studios in Bucharest, discussion sessions with guests from abroad, game jams, etc.

  • Of course! We have a positive track record regarding students who got hired shortly after completing the courses they attended. However, we cannot offer guarantees! We are in discussions with the main studios in Romania to offer internship programs or employment support. We also make an effort to help you through consulting in creating your CV and portfolio.

    We can't repeat it enough times! It is very important to develop a portfolio, to practice in your free time, to be proactive in class, to ask questions every time you feel that something is not clear to you. And we insist on "practicing in your spare time".

  • Yes, you will receive a participation diploma issued by us that attests your involvement throughout the duration of the program. In addition to the diploma, you will also receive the result obtained in the final exam, as well as the qualification from us. Keep in mind that you will not receive the participation diploma or the qualification from us if you accumulate more than 5 absences in any semester.

    We mention that diplomas certified by the Romanian state cannot be issued, because the vast majority of jobs specific to the game development industry are not officially recognized in Romania.

2675 Ron/lună

*Preț promoțional dacă te înscrii împreună cu un prieten

4300 Eur*

Finanțare prin BCR Study Up (în curând)

Descoperă cum îți poți finanța taxa de studii a programului GameDev Masterclass prin finanțarea StudyUP oferită de BCR ar putea fi soluția pentru a-ți îndeplini visurile.

4800 Eur - taxă studii Masterclass

 Rate prin TBI și Card Avantaje

Aceste modalități de plată vor fi introduse în curând

4800 Eur - taxă studii Masterclass

2675 Ron/lună

*Preț promoțional dacă ai participat la cursurile noastre

4300 Eur*

2375 Ron/lună

*Preț promoțional dacă ai participat la cursurile noastre și te înscrii împreună cu un prieten

3800 Eur*

Modalități de plată

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